The PTA's Role in Promotion of Health and Wellness

For young children, PTAs should incorporate play into the plan of care and have it less structured. This allows the child to explore their environment and develop their gross and fine motor skills. For younger children, having colorful objects and those with different textures can facilitate interest in playing. Getting the parents involved in their treatment helps to facilitate positive social interactions and provide the skills necessary to form relationships with their peers. Throughout the preschool years, social interaction and playing with others continues to help develop communication skills, which can go into adolescence.

Nutrition is also an important part of development. Certain recommendations should be followed to ensure the child receives the proper nutrition to develop a strong and healthy body. PTAs can direct parents to resources, but it gradually becomes the individual's responsibility to take care of his or herself.

Once a child reaches adolescence, physical and mental wellness is more important than ever. Social interaction becomes important in the individual's development as peers can provide positive or negative influences. Allowing children to make choices in therapy is crucial for developing both physical and mental wellness, as they are beginning to identify where their interests lie. Directing parents and their children to community programs can get the child interacting with others his/her age with similar interests. Here are two examples:

YMCA: The Y is focused on improving the health and wellbeing in young people by fostering healthy living, development, and social responsibility. They provide a number of classes for individuals with varying hobbies.

4-H: This program helps children involved with local community. Activities are geared towards developing leadership skills all while having fun.

Community Resources:

For nutritional guidelines:

NWTC Class of 2020
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