Program Outcome 6

Perform data collection essential for carrying out the plan of care under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist. 

The artifact I chose for this competency was my client's scorecard for Keep Stepping. On the initial evaluation, we had all clients participate in the Senior Fitness Test. This was used to determine a baseline and areas that they could improve on, i.e. strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance. Based on this information we created an individualized home exercise program to address our client's needs. At the end of Keep Stepping, we reassessed our clients again to see if these areas improved, stayed the same, or declined over the 8 weeks. In the fall session of Keep Stepping, my client did not come to the re-evaluation, so I couldn't quantitively determine if she met her goals. However, she did show improvements throughout the sessions, which led me to believe that she would have improved on her scores. In the clinic, data collection is necessary to determine both the baseline and where improvements have been made.

NWTC Class of 2020
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