Program Outcome 1

In Spring and Fall of 2019, our class participated in Keep Stepping, a falls prevention program intended for older adults in the local community. This program went on 2 days a week for 8 weeks. As a class, we collaborated to form an exercise plan. We paired up and took turns leading the exercises each week. On one day, each pair would present on a pathology or another topic related to the elderly population. Individually, we worked with a client and designed a home exercise program relevant to his or her needs. We also provided them handouts on things they wanted to know more about or that we thought would be useful. Communication played a key role in our success, as we had to adjust our communication styles to meet the needs of our clients. This involved speaking louder and more concisely so they could understand us. We also learned how to work together to ensure the group leaders' clients were taken care of and the sessions went smoothly. Overall, this experience taught us how to effectively communicate with each other and real patients, which will be valuable as we enter our careers as PTAs.

Demonstrate clear and collaborative communication with patients, families, and health care team


  • 1.1. work as a collaborative member of the healthcare team
  • 1.2. communicate verbally, nonverbally, and in writing in an effective, respectful and timely manner
  • 1.3. adjust the style of communication based on target audience
  • 1.4. initiate communication in difficult situations
  • 1.5. apply effective conflict management strategies
  • 1.6. elect the most appropriate person(s) with whom to communicate
  • 1.7. self-evaluate effectiveness of communication and modify communication accordingly.
NWTC Class of 2020
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