Health, Wellness, & Prevention

For the geriatric population, the main goal is to help people maintain their current health and keep it from declining. The PTA should continue to educate and encourage patients to exercise, get plenty of sleep, and drink water. Staying active and eating healthy are especially important, as these reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and many other pathologies. Education handouts are a great way to convey information to these patients. Click here for more tips on how to stay healthy.

For those that decide to live in their houses, the home can present new challenges as balance and eyesight worsen. PTAs can perform home assessments to identify safety hazards so patients may continue to live in their homes comfortably. This includes making sure that rooms are well lit and no clutter on floors. Click here for more information.

Assisted living and nursing facilities are other housing options for geriatric patients if their homes are no longer safe or their families are unable to care for them. PTs and PTAs are on staff to help patients keep as much of their independence as possible. These facilities have physical therapy gyms that patients can use.

Silver Sneakers

This is an exercise program for adults 65 and over that is covered by Medicare Advantage plans. It is offered at multiple locations across the state. Members can choose from balance, cardio, strength, and other classes to suit their interests. These not only promote physical wellness, but also mental wellness. Seniors can enjoy the social benefits of being with people that have similar interests.

Aging and Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC)

The ADRC offers classes for seniors including falls prevention, elder nutrition, and healthy aging. It also provides a variety of services, including a senior companion and meals program at little to no cost. These facilities can help make sure that older adults have their needs taken care of. 

NWTC Class of 2020
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