Health, Wellness, & Prevention

Maintaining and making gains in strength and balance, among other things, help to minimize loss and retain function in later adulthood. Gearing therapy towards patient goals will help maximize compliance and improve therapy outcomes.

Patient education on how nutrition and lifestyle affect the body is important in this population. As PTAs, it is beyond our scope of practice to counsel patients on specific foods or supplements, but we can direct them to the supervising PT for a referral to a dietician or other specialist if they wish. However, PTAs can make general nutrition recommendations. Some important points for adults include limiting salt, sugar, and fat consumption and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Other tips include getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and stress management techniques. These help to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and other problems. PTAs can recommend PTAs can also direct patients towards online resources. Here are a few:

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: This was founded by a group of women with a vision to helping the government conserve food and improve public health and nutrition. The academy is made up of over 100,000 students and medical professionals with degrees in nutrition and dietetics. Their website has various education handouts that talk about the importance of healthy eating and give tips to incorporate healthy food into diet.
  • MyPlate: This is a government website that provides information on the 5 major food groups and how much of each group one should eat. This depends on several factors, including whether they are male or female, active or sedentary, etc.


PTAs can also direct patients toward community resources and programs. These are a great way to get involved and initiate friendships with others that have similar interests. The most important thing for a patient is find some type of physical activity he/she enjoys and stick to it.

  • YMCA: This is a community, Christian-based organization that can be found in many cities. It offers zumba, yoga, and swim classes among many others to the general public. Members have access to the gym and workout center. The facility also offers before/after school programs for children so parents don't have to worry about them while they are at work.


  • Intramural sports: These are sports that are played between teams in the same league. This is a good option for adults that are looking for team sports and some friendly competition without making a serious commitment. The Green Bay Parks and Recreation system offers a variety of different intramural sports for adults, including basketball, baseball, tennis, and pickleball.    Website:
NWTC Class of 2020
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