Didactic Education

Functional Five Movement Screening

In spring of 2019, for our Therapeutic Exercise course, our class participated in the Functional Five movement screening at Parkview Middle School. This examines functional skills and movement patterns in children in the 4th-8th grades. Specifically, we assessed the Drop Stop, Hip Hinge, Skipping, Squat, and Core Stability. Scoring was based on a scale of 1-3, with 3 classified as advanced and 1 as developing. This scoring system was created based on observed movement patterns considered normal for children in this age range. For each child, we assessed his/her abilities to perform these skills and gave feedback accordingly. Prior to the screening, we were educated on assessing each movement and specifics for scoring each one, as well as reasons why deviations from the standard may occur. Attached is the standard document that defines the scoring for each movement.

In fall of 2019, we participated in the screening once more for Principles of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.  This time, however, we were given a copy of a participant's initial scorecard and assigned to design a home exercise program based on perceived functional limitations. This program was given to the student to work on before re-testing in the spring. Attached below are the initial scorecard and the home exercise program I designed for a participant.


Integrate concepts of pathology, PT intervention and data collection for application to adolescent population (7D2, 7D4, 7D5, 7D8, 7D16, & 7D29)

Differentiate typical/atypical development (7D24i)

Describe development tests used to assess children (7D24i)

Explore the role of the PTA in the promotion of health & wellness and prevention for the pediatric & adolescent population (7D24m)

Coursework: Therapeutic Exercise #21031, Patient Interventions #81029, Principles of Neuro Rehab #81548

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NWTC Class of 2020
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